Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We talked a lot about expectations in our first company phone meeting. And the effect expectations have on relationship. How do we put relationship before our expectation of the person or our goal for that person???

If you had been there, you would have seen the remnants of little bits of exploding things coming out of my head.

Expectation is, I have realized in the last week of pondering, one of my greatest strengths and Achilles heel, a reason for great success in work and unadulterated failure in personal relationships.

I was raised with VERY high expectations.

The good news was a sense of empowerment and my belief that I could acheive anything I wanted to if I only put my mind to it. But OHHHH the OVERWHELMING sense of disappointment when not acheiving said expectations.

Flash forward- throughout life I have been put in a wide variety of leadership positions. This started when I was very young and I just sorta fell into it. I quickly realized that I was someone people listened to. I didn't know why or what to do with that information all the time, but I knew it was happening. The older I grew, the more I realized I needed to use my powers for good and not evil (as they say). I was always pushed to reach higher, do better, strive for more and it is no surprise that these were philosophies I began to attempt to impart to those around me.

When I choreograph, I don't take no for an answer. I refuse to choreograph to the "lowest common denominator" because I believe to the core of my soul that everyone can dance, and not only dance, but dance better than they think they can.

And I can get them there.

By having expectations of them that are beyond the ones they have for themselves.

There is a lot of control in expectation.

I like having control.
I am great with not having control if I previously had the knowledge that I would not have control.
I am also great with not having control if I don't really care, but I don't think that counts.

These are not the best qualities in interpersonal relationships.

The person with the expectation is the person with the power. With the control. Not so good for walking through the world side by side with someone.

I think total lack of expectation of someone is also disasterous but Iam CONVINCED there has to be a healthy balance.

Finding the balance of expectation.

Who knew that would be a part of this?


  1. I love the way your mind works and how wonderfully descriptive you are.."exploding bits coming out of my brain..." That made me laugh, because I can just picture you saying it with hand motions and all.

    Self-revelation never seems to stop, does it?

  2. By the way...great job raising money. Didn't take you long to blow that goal away. Sheesh.
