Friday, October 23, 2009


I have never done the blog thing before. I rarely communicate my thoughts in written form. This should be interesting and thoretically, one should be able to see improvement as the writing goes on.

About a month ago I was talking to my friend Tanesha and she told me she was about to go teach in South Africa for a few weeks. After about 5 minutes, I asked her where I could sign up. She sent an introduction email to Mauricio at ASTEP, I filled out an application, had an interview, and got accepted.

And in 5 weeks I am going to South Africa.

It's all a bit odd.

I keep telling people, "I'm going to South Africa!" and it's a bit out of body. I really have no idea what to expect so the concept of going is sort of floating around in the space above my head.

I am teaching theatre, music and dance to orphans and other "vulnerable" children.

I am going with a team of 6 people.

I will be gone for 5 weeks.

I am going to a community about an hour north of Johansburg.

I have to get a hepatitis vacination.

I need to renew my passport.

I will be using my creative skills to build relationship with the kids, their families and their community to better empower them with skills for the rest of their life.

(much smiling and shaking of head with closed mouth chuckles)

Yes, that's all very exciting!!!

What does that actually mean and how do i do it.

I have no idea.

But, stick with me and I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can't believe how quickly this is all happening! I mean, you had never heard of this a month ago and now in a few weeks you will be in South Africa. It is very exciting. Keep posting to the blog. I'll read it every week. I started a blog in April for our cross-country trip and now I'm hooked. -Ernest
