Sunday, December 6, 2009

The rest of day one (Part Two)

We get back to the house and unload all the groceries (RECYCLERS PAY ATTENTION!!! THEY CHARGE YOU FOR PLASTIC BAGS AT THE GROCERY STORE. they also throw their trash out the window, which is sort of odd) Oh AND its only like 2pm and I've been up since 430am.

Then we go into our first planning session and make a bit of a snack.

Then we go to a soccer game. But not just any soccer game. PHILLIPS, the electric company, has invented solar power lights for kdis to play soccer in areas of the world where they do not have a ready supply of electricity. Do to someone having a connection with someone, they premiered this invention at REFILWE and gave the lighting system on a permament loan basis. Not only that, but the DUTCH LEGENDS (professional soccer team) had recently been in Jo Burg to play Brazil and they came to play the Refilwe kids soccer team. It was a big event for the community. People here LOVE soccer!!!! Everyone plays it and someone is always dribbling something. Throughout the day, the energy leading up to the event was charged and full of excitement. For some of the adults here, they were going to have a chance to see their fave players from their childhood.

The actual event was a different sort of experience. The Dutch players were assholes. they walked in wiht a huge attitude. The kids all ran to sing and welcome them, much like they had us earlier in the day, and the players stopped long enough for the cameras to get shots of them but then pushed past them as if they were annoying. There was a big tent set up with a series of tables and chairs underneath it for the adults and special guests. The tent was fenced off, with someone asking for your name at the entrance. It was right next to the field.

Earlier, there had been some African drummers playing and the Dutch team found them interesting enough to stop and play with them before proceeding inside the tent.

So, let me break it down for you.

Big fancy tent with the team and mostly white people. We are being served by a catering company who is black. We are inside a fenced in area next to the field. ALL of the Refilwe kids are on the OUTSIDE of the fence either bumping around a soccer ball or trying to get the attention of the people inside the tent. Because theoretically, the team came for the kids. who are outside the fence. And being ignored.

THEN, the game starts and the Dutch team trounces the Refilwe team.

I shall pause for your reaction, which I can only assume will be close to what mine was. Don't get me wrong, I believe in fair competition but COME ON!! And their players were like 100 feet tall. And they were Dutch. The whole thing was just very awkward and strange.

But, the kids rallied like champs. Then there was a huge thunderstorm we walked home.

IT's now about 930pm and we are all exhausted. BUT we can't go to sleep yet because we have to perform the next morning at 1030 for World AIDS Day.

SOOOOO, we have to create a piece to perform....


  1. Wow!! Sorry to hear about the Dutch players. At least the kids were still able to enjoy the match (like true champs).

    Love you and miss you and look forward to your next posting.

  2. I agree with Mary! Glad the kids are so much better at sportsmanship than the Dutch professional team!!!

    Enjoy reading all of your posts! Keep them coming. love you!
